Splash Aquatics
Meet Entries (USA/SCS) Guidelines
Upcoming meets will be announced at practice by coaches. They are also available at www.socalswim.org
Download or get meet form from www.socalswim.org
Pick the event #’s for your swimmer(s).
Turn in meet card (available on pool deck) to coaches on pool deck (cash box) or email entries to: entries@splashaquatics.com
Put check for meet entries in cashbox on pool deck.
Entries for upcoming meets will be due on the Friday prior to the official entry deadline.
You will receive confirmation of your entries Monday.
The entire team entries will be posted to our website Monday: www.splashaquatics.com
Parents will check website for any errors on the posted entries.
If errors notify coaches at entries@splashaquatics.com immediately.
Entries will be sent in prior to the deadline. (Usually Wednesday mornings)
Please follow this process as best you can and so will your coaches.
Thank you,
Splash Coaching Staff
When sending email with entries make sure to have the following information.
Swimmer's Name
Birth date or USA Number
Event #'s