Program Fees
Programs over view
Seasons: Fall , Winter, Spring, Summer
All Seasons and fees are approximately 10 - 12 weeks in duration.
Developmental Groups
Session 1 December 2nd - December 20th $175
Christmas Break 12/21 - 1/5
Session 2: January 6th - Feb 28th (8 weeks) $350
Select Groups $525
March 3 - May 23
Developmental groups $450
Select Groups $525​
Summer Swim (June, July, early Aug) Exact dates TBA
Junior Lifeguard Prep (Spring) dates TBA
*Program Dates subject to change depending upon pool availability and HS program priorities
Practice Groups
Beginning Level to intermediate competition groups
10 & Under (Red, White, Blue)
11 & Older (Black, Purple)
•Mainly Stroke instruction with some conditioning
•Development of beginning to intermediate level swimmers.
•Competition is encouraged but not mandatory.
approximately 1 hr. practice
Select Groups: (Bronze, Silver, Gold) BSG
Advanced Level Competition Groups
•Stroke Refinement with Heavy conditioning.
•Competition is required on a monthly basis.
•While not mandatory 3-5 days practice per week expected
approximately 1.5 hrs practice
Group practice hours are approximations and not exact time of each workout. Coaches may go slightly longer or shorter depending on the day and workouts being done that day.
All Members must join USA Swimming.
All USA Swimming Registration will be done online through USA Swimming and its SWIMS platform.
We are offering a 1 month option: 4 consecutive weeks. $200 per. (no multi-child discounts)
Below are old and outdated leaving on site temporarily for reference only
Start Up (Does Not Apply at this time)
Applies when joining the team for the 1st time or rejoining after 3 month break.
$65 Plus first 2 months of Dues commitment
Monthly Dues Sept-May (Does not apply at this time)
Splash is moving away from our monthly membership and dues
when monthly dues are in affect
They are due at the beginning of each month. You are responsible for monthly dues whether your child attends 1 or 20 practices that month. If you plan on going inactive you must notify the coaches in writing or by email. Notification must be given prior to the 1st of the month that you will be inactive otherwise you will be billed.
Inactive Status: Not in affect at this time
A swimmer may remain inactive for up to 3 months without being reassessed the startup. If one sibling is inactive and the other stays active, then the inactive sibling can take more than 3 months off without being assessed the startup.
Late fees:
A late fee of $10 will be assessed if dues are paid later than the 7th of the month.
A late fee of $15 will be assessed if dues are paid after the 14th of the month.
Junior Lifeguard Prep 2023 (flyer)
*We have a combined 80 participant Cap

Fees by group Developmental Select
Season $450 $525
Mid Season $200 $225
*monthly is 4 consecutive weeks
If you wish to Join in mid season.
Unlimited practices 4 consecutive weeks from the day you start (tryout days included)
Splash Team Policies: (usa requirements)
Hold Harmless Form
MAAPP 2.0 Policy (read)
MAAPP Form (sign)
Fall Season 2024
September 3rd - November 22nd
Spring Season 2025
3/3 - 5/23
Junior guard prep 2025
Dates TBA
Vacation Dates
Thanksgiving Break 11/23 - 12/1
Christmas Break 12/21 - 1/5